Knowhow to start season with a new team
Soccer clubs have different visions when it comes to organizing coaching setup in their youth developing programs.
The main question is:
- Should the same coach grow with one generation for some years till their pre senior age, or,
- Appoint coaches for the particular age group and remain coaching the same category every season?
There are some characteristics in both cases in which coaching qualities and experiences are the main factors in making that decision.
When you get an opportunity to be appointed at the new job as a youth coach first thing to do is to get information about particular clubs philosophy, structure, history and compare those with your coaching style, charisma and habits. It is important that characteristics fit both sides. It is not comfortable for a coach with different philosophy to fit in the system no matter how good you are. Coach must work on the pitch with full focus on his tasks and little side effects that will disturb developing his program.
Although you will observe and asses your players in the first weeks, it is always beneficial to collect some information from the previous coach, head coach or a club member. It will give you initial information about how you should continue the work those players did before you. At the same time you are allowed and it is valuable to bring your own opinion and prove it right. Experimenting in youth development is allowed as it gives your players variations and different opportunities to discover new knowledge and experience that will improve their game.
When preparing for the training season to start, organize players meeting on the first day, where you will introduce yourself and your vision forward. Short briefing introduction of your playing and coaching career followed with your team organization and discipline expectations such as:
- coming on time for training sessions,
- wearing full equipment for training,
- bringing supply of water enough for whole training duration,
- training schedule.
What to expect from your players during every training session:
- performing their very best,
- sportsmanship in every situation,
- representing their club on and off the pitch in best possible manners.
Communicate facts to your future players with confidence in your voice and body language, use short information but direct and straight to the point and what is most important make sure that you are fierce to follow and fulfill the conditions set up by yourself.
Organized and honest coach will win players trust the most. That impression will last as long as the coach keeps high standards. It is mistake setting up high standards and after some time start slacking, the team atmosphere will be disturbed. Players will lose trust and motivation.
The first few sessions should be the time to get to know each other. Coach should try to learn all the names quickly; it gives player confidence and feeling of belonging. Players have their habits, characteristics and a level of performance. First impression is very important but sometimes can be deceiving. Players can respond to you at the beginning being introvert or outspoken, your job is to discover real features of every player. It is coach’s quality to discover best approach to every individual player and motivate him to perform at his best and thus increase his development process. Communication with the player can be individual and in front of the group but it must be always encouraging and have the effect of motivation and better performance in the future. Don’t let yourself be the person that will discourage your player.
Committed, organized and confident coach that knows his objectives and streams to succeed is inspiration for his players and the club he is working for. He will gain trust and respect and keep it for long time.
Hope you are one of them.
Compare this point of view with Are you coaching the same group for another seasson – which one do you prefer?
Richard Khamasi Madegwa
Richard Khamasi Madegwa
Am actually looking for guys we can work with,KYSA we offer education for soccer to majority of our poor kids. When I see this am touched,wishing our children would have such opportunities.