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09-12 Circuit Training

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $12.80.

Circuit training is an effective way to improve overall ball skills or fitness.



Players should move between stations with minimal rest in between, in order to maximize eectiveness.

Circuit training can be adapted to work on technique, such as improving ball skills. You can set up a number of stations, each concentrated on a specific drill. One station could be determined to passing, other to ball control, shooting, dribbling or heading.

Efective fitness training can be proposed in circuit concept where stations include coordination, agility, speed or strength. If number of stations is prepared on a large area, it can help you to improve overall endurance.

Another way of preparing circuit training is to target single objective and practice all the possible variations of that skill. For example, if you take shooting, skill can be divided into a number of dierent circuits. One can focus on accuracy, another on power. Circuits can also concentrate on different types of shots, from approaching a rolling ball, to volleys, or headers.

Benefit in circuit training is that you are using the same pitch set up and all players are constantly active.

It is important to prepare stations close to each other to be able to monitor work out of all players.

Station training is always very motivational to the players. Keeps focus and encourages players to give their maximum eort.

This manual combines topics and objectives leaving room for many possible variations. With clear vision what you want to achieve in training and clever planning, circuit training is definitely a good opportunity to use it as a regular set up during the week.


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