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Keep in mind 7 main tips when you go to practice

7 main tips when you go to practice for youth soccer coaches

Keep in mind 7 main tips when you go to practice

Every commitment is a responsibility whether it is voluntarily, amateurly or professionally done. It has to be approached with passion, drive and challenge. Soccer coaching is the job that has all of these characteristics.

Coach is the main factor in the group of players, colleagues and supporters around him. He sets standards and atmosphere. The result is – his work proved. That result is not only the final score, but, above all, the dedication that he promotes during his career.

Check out these 7 main tips and recognitions that every coach, who wants to keep high standard, should observe when he goes to training practice.


Training objective and training exercises have to be prepared. Coach should come to the field minimum 15 minutes before training starts so that he has time to prepare and organize himself and do set-up for training. He starts training on time, not waiting for late-comers, because he sets roles and guides about team discipline.


In a good atmosphere, discussing with players the training plan is healthy for motivation. When you prepare training session, set up exercises from easy to difficult and gradually build up variations. Explain and demonstrate the way your players should do the exercises. It is important to correct them, but at the same time to motivate them. Training sessions and activities should be related to the training objective and prepared to be match-related rather than to be of the drilling kind. Every session must have warm-up and cool-down part to it.


When coach starts his session and gathers all the players in the locker room, conference room or on the pitch, he must make sure that players are listening to his introduction. Don’t start main topic until everybody is quiet.  Make sure that footballs are not around; face players away from other activities nearby and position yourself that the sun is in front of you.


When you plan your session, make it fun for you and your players, and keep in mind what you want to achieve. Consider the age and level of players. Keep players mentally active and involve them with asking questions, ask them what they think and how to solve the potential problem. Use more games than practices related to the topic. Use small sided games – it speeds up development of technical ability and game intelligence.

Beside clear training plan, coach must be prepared to adapt to what he sees and hears during the session. Players improve technique with a great number of ball contacts.


The coach should get to know players as individuals, to understand and motivate them. Invest time in all players. They want to know your opinion. That helps them to understand that you truly care about each of them. Encourage players to be honest and to have clear communication. Reward them because small rewards can be a great motivator.


During the match try getting the best out of the players when it really counts. Avoid giving them too many instructions – it can be counterproductive. Use positive comments and body language so the players have more confidence. Find the right moment to give them information when the player is most receptive.

Coach must not be distracted by spectators, parents, referees or other coaches. Players need coach’s influence and full attention, otherwise you will not get your message clearly. Coach must keep emotions under control – players need coach to be the calmest person on the pitch. He is not a  supporter, he must watch the game from different angles. Asses the shape of your and the opponent’s team.


During the half time, team talk can improve team’s shape, and of course, negative talk can disrupt it. At the half time – make every second count. Players are not motivated if you tell them what they did wrong. Instead, you should emphasize on how they can improve and solve problems. Deliver clear and logical points, providing them few major points – be clear, positive and constructive. Do not concentrate on negatives aspects, and do not allow players to talk all at once with their views.

Enjoy training and games with your players.

Comments: 1

  • Josiah Vella

    March 10, 2018

    Very good.

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