Juggling with the head. Ask the boys to juggle 5 times, then 8 and 10 times.
Juggling with the feet again set target 5/10/15.
Juggling with the thigh only.
Dribbling skills step over and scissors.
Dynamic stretching.
Duration 15 min
General movement
Motivating boys for training session challenging them with skills.
Introducing heading technique.
Ex 2 – Heading technique 10 min
Players are split in groups of four. Two players positioned on both sides 5 meters away. Player serves the ball from his hands to player on the opposite side to head ball back. After head the ball player exchange sides.
Header the ball facing the server.
Header the ball sideways.
Players exchange positions after every header for creating proper space and time for next header.
Ex 3 – Small sided game 20 min
Two teams of players playing the game against each other trying to knock down the cones on the opposite side to score a point.
Small sided game to encourage players to look for passing options.
To create time space and time to receive pass.
To find solutions and options how to score point.
Ex 4 – Heading to score 10 min
Two same set ups to enable more repetitions. Players on the side of the goalpost serve the ball to player in front of the goalpost to head the ball to score goal.
Players change roles after every attempt.
Players to anticipate path of the ball from the server and approach the ball best possible way to manage to head the ball and score goal.
Free game at the end of session with condition if player scores a goal with the head team is awarded with two points.
20 min
Players are playing game at the end but are also encouraged to go for header.
Cooling Down
Penalties between teams
5 min
Players to leave training in good atmosphere and look forward to come back. After every penalty take player to give hi five to the coach and rest of the players.