2 methods for more effective warm-up
Warm-ups should take place before every training session and is important in order to produce high level performance. It is a crucial part of any practice or game. Properly done warm-up will prepare the player both physically and mentally for the training session or for the game. It activates the cardiovascular and respiratory systems while heartbeat and the circulation of blood around the body increase. It decreases the risk of injury, increases mobility, agility, skill, power and helps good performance.
At the younger age warm-up is a good place to set foundation and groundwork for the coming session. Skills needed for the session can be developed or proposed during the warm ups.
When you prepare and organize warm-up, do it with these 2 different methods:
The first method is to propose exercises that are focused on developing, learning and practicing technical ability in general. Practicing skills such as ball control, dribbling or in partners or small groups, passing or defending. After you complete the warm-up, proceed with the main session that has its specific objective for the session, like finishing or team play.
On the other hand, the second method, prepared with understanding of the concept and made to flow, is when warm-up leads players to the rest of the session aiming to do the same objective. If, for example, coach is in need to develop finishing with his team, he should prepare setup for the warm-up that will be in the same area and with the same principles as he is prepared for the main session. During warm-up, progressing from easy to difficult, monitoring players’ conditioning, they are preparing physically for the training session and, at the same time, they are aware of the challenges ahead.
With this method of work coach has more time to explain and present his main aims of the coming session and prepare players gradually.
- It saves space for the coach to prepare training session and the whole session can be done in the same area.
- It saves time for the coach to lay out the pitch before and during the session without the need to change it.
- Such exercises encourage players to think and to increase their awareness.
- Motivates players for the rest of the session, taking them to the familiar situation.